
Destiny News, Discussions + Guides.


Finished Weekley Herioc and No Reward. Really?!?

I completed the weekly raid solo and didn't get a single thing. Well besides the buff and the strange coins. But wow a t least a blue engram would have been better than nothing at all. One heck of a h..
9:47 pm, December 25, 2014


Titan class makes me crash!?!?

Okay so, every time I try to create a Titan class it's fine and works perfectly. But once i beat the level and try to go to the Tower, I crash! It doesn't happen with any other class, just the Titan. ..
2:03 pm, December 9, 2014


Requirements not met

Any news or tricks to get past my Xbox one saying I have not met the requirements to play in strike playlist or crucible? I've had an Xbox live gold account for over 12 years from the same Internet so..
8:48 pm, February 4, 2017


Destiny won't load it on black screen

Please help
11:40 pm, April 19, 2015



I've bought a new console, headset, and controller and still having issues with people being able to hear me. I can hear them just fine however they can't hear me. done with all this typing.
10:39 am, July 3, 2015

Official Destiny Live Action Trailer - Become Legend

5:47 am, September 5, 2014 A Fireteam heads out on an epic, action-packed road trip across our Solar System to face our enemies, take back what is ours and, in the end, Become Legend. Featuring “Immigrant Song&rd [..] View

Destiny Beta - PS4 vs Xbox One vs PS3 vs Xbox 360 Mega Comparison

3:55 am, August 29, 2014 Worth buying an XBONE or a PS4 or just play it on the 360? If you currently have an xbox 360, i would say its not really worth the jump to buy an xbox one just to play this game as the 360 version lo [..] View

Looking to add 2 Guardians to form a fireteam to play with on a daily basis... please read before responding.

2:33 pm, August 21, 2015 I'm looking to form a regular, dependable fireteam to do daily missions, weekly strikes, strike playlists, raids, patrols, bounties, PoEs, and whatever else the future of Destiny may bring. I don't pl [..] View

Venation lll

2:33 am, August 20, 2015 Does anyone hace this gun? Mine has the same impact as stabilty last round and quick reload. It has a never ever let me down even with 8 rounds. I have every handcannon in the game. So is the venation [..] View

Taken King Vault & Exotic Updates

2:33 am, August 20, 2015 Kind of suprised nobody allready has this posted! New Info from the livestream. Lots of increased valut space, 72 slots for weapons, another 72 for armor and 36 for everything else. Emblems, Shaders & [..] View

The Taken King with " Real Level 40 "

2:33 am, August 17, 2015 .......... Hello everyone  :) .......... What level do you think we will start with in The Taken King with the " real level " being 40 and the Light Level being given a seperate sta [..] View


2:33 am, August 14, 2015 What's up guys. Looking for people that I can play with that are very active at any games such as battlefield hardline, Destiny, AW, gta, minecraft etc... if you are add me or message me on Xbox one. [..] View

Selective muting?

2:33 pm, August 11, 2015 Multiplayer gamer noob here. Destiny is the first game I've played with people remotely, and it's been pretty frustrating since the beginning. I've been playing daily with my guardian boyfriend for th [..] View


2:33 pm, August 11, 2015 240 People have been helped by me in less than 2 months. Have to follow the twitch channel to help me out as well though. Message your gamer tag in the chat after yo [..] View

Boxed copy of Destiny and digital version of Taken King? Is this doable?

2:33 am, August 11, 2015 So the title pretty much says it all. Can I use the digital download of The Taken King (the 40 buck version) with my boxed copy of Destiny (the base game)? If anyone knows for sure, [..] View

My Destiny Montage

2:33 am, August 11, 2015 Here it is!  Feedback is much appreciated. View

Totally unfair Prison Of Elders bosses!

2:33 pm, August 8, 2015 .......... Hello everyone  :) .......... I am beginning to hate the level 34 Prison Of Elders now because some of the bosses are so cheap!  I will not be getting an Etheric Light thi [..] View

Lvl 35 Skolas's Revenge (Require assistance)

2:33 pm, August 8, 2015 Me and a friend need one more person to do Skolas with us. We would be gratful if you help us out. If you want to help, and me, Ventuslicious, as a friend so i can invite you to the party. My mic is b [..] View

Solar and Void element Shadow Of Viels? Solar and Arc element The Last Rebellion?

2:33 pm, August 8, 2015 .......... Hello everyone  :) .......... Has anyone ever purchased a Solar and Void element Shadow Of Viels from Variks? Has anyone ever purchased Solar and Arc element The Last Rebe [..] View

Destiny: Why Is it Loved v4.5

2:33 am, August 6, 2015 Surprise, surprise!  Congratulations on reaching page 105 on your Destiny thread! I would like to know, how's your character developments going and the raids and whatnot? What makes y'all go [..] View

Destiny The Taken King

2:33 am, August 4, 2015 Who's buying Destiny The Taken King?I'm in, it looks like Destiny is slowly getting better now since Bungie is listening to its fanbase. This will be an official complete game (unless Bungie add some [..] View

Numerous error codes: Destiny Xbox One

2:33 am, August 1, 2015 For two weeks now goin on three I have received the error codes: anteater, beetle, baboon, quail, and weasel. My internet is good, my NAT is open, all the xbox one tests come back good, I can play oth [..] View

Looking for friends :)

2:33 am, August 1, 2015 I'm fairly new to Destiny. I have two characters in mid 20's and I am looking for friends to have fun with and to take on the many challenges in Destiny. I'm a chill guy and I know we could get some a [..] View

Got expansion pass for destiny for 360 dark below & house of wolves, doesnt work why?

2:33 pm, July 30, 2015 I got a code from game stop for $38 from game stop for destiny dark below and house of wolves. Doesnt work, why? Says have to purchase the pass to work, put the code in like 4 times, still doesnt work [..] View

New Guardians Wanted

2:33 am, July 28, 2015 Hello Everyone, Back from a long hiatus and just realized I haven't finished, lvled or collected awesome gear on Destiny (yea I know I'm late). I am on the third Earth mission and would like to find s [..] View

Weekly Nightfall team [Xbox One]

2:33 pm, July 26, 2015 Looking for a team to do the weekly Nightfall strike with I am playing on Xbox One and I am looking for two members you need to be level 31-34 If you would like to do the st [..] View

Will help with trials! Everyone please check out our channel on twitch!

2:33 pm, July 24, 2015 Everyone please check out our channel on twitch! We help our community. View


2:33 am, July 24, 2015 Bungie NEEDS to add optional matchmaking across the board for all missions.... No excuses anymore   It still takes 5-30 minutes to find a group of players for runs. Plus the [..] View

Destiny New Clan Recruiting NOW!

2:33 am, July 24, 2015 Hi to everyone my Gamertag is: JOSXBOXiQ140 I just created a New Clan in Destiny in order to recruit new members to join it. The Clan Name is: We Do NOT Fear Oryx   In this Clan we welcome [..] View

Help Me, Help You

2:33 am, July 24, 2015 Started playing Destiny again and looking for people to do some raids, weekly nightfall, and POE - I have a level 32 hunter. Have a couple friends who can help but they are not very dependable in game [..] View


2:33 am, July 24, 2015 helping anyone out with raids poe nightfall anything.. I really have no reason to play the game but to help others and do 35 poe do have a maxed out ghorn and have finished level 35 poe. message if yo [..] View

DESTINY: busco amigos para camara de cristal y precidio de los ancianos y los demas raids.

2:33 am, July 24, 2015 soy mexicano de 20 años, busco gente para hacer amigos y completar los raids de destiny, mayor mente siempre juego solo por falta de amigos, soy nivel 32  si se animan, agregen y m [..] View

POE 34 or 35

2:33 am, July 22, 2015 Looking for help for prison of elders 34 or 35. Im a level 33 warlock. I need a few etheric lights. Send me a message my gamertag is H1tman Ir0nhide. I in hitman is a number one and the o in ironhide [..] View

Looking for Raiding Party

2:33 pm, July 21, 2015 Hello everyone, I'm looking for a raiding group on Xbox One since my friends schedules never work out. I play a level 31 Hunter, Gunslinger(mainly). During the week I am usually online 4-7 though I ca [..] View

Vault of Glass (4 Needed)

2:33 am, July 19, 2015 I need four people to help me and my friend with Vault of Glass. I have a level 34 Warlock (Voidwalker), or a level 32 Hunter (Fully upgraded Celestial Nighthawk and Gunslinger). My friend has a three [..] View

Vault of Glass Raid

2:33 am, July 16, 2015 I was ditched by my buddies and need a raid group for vault of glass. Preferably warlocks and hunters of high levels. I am a Level 32 defender Titan. I will start a party to communicatet. I am Lamente [..] View

Do not except game invites from>


How to get etheric light fast at level 32?

2:33 pm, July 14, 2015 I'm trying to get level 34 by next month but I haven't found a single etheric light. I can't find anyone to do trials with because they all want level 34s and the weekly nightfall strike gave me a wea [..] View

Yup hopped on the late train bandwagon!! *New here*

2:33 pm, July 14, 2015 Just bought the game a few days ago, figured $20 is cheap for me. I have a level 7 Warlock......that's all. I was thinking about equal leveling characters or just focus on one now and start another [..] View

Need gear badly

2:33 am, July 11, 2015 What's up guys I got me and a buddy I'm a 29 Hunter he's a 34 titan were looking for players to do vault of glass crota and a few other things we both got mics were both mid 20s so we aren't gonna be [..] View

Destiny: Deluxe Edition

2:33 am, July 11, 2015 I was wondering, since Xbox Live Rewards has an offer for 15,000 rewards points for pre-ordering any game that ships before 12/31, would Destiny The Deluxe Edition be eligible? I didn't see it availab [..] View

TKK Legendary Edition going to be sold on Xbox One?

2:33 am, July 10, 2015 I'm one of those scrubs who hasn't gotten DB or HoW yet, so I'm planning to get the legendary edition of TKK. But, I can't find it on the Xbox One store. Is it ever going to be there, or do I have to [..] View

Complete Legend Wheel

2:33 pm, July 8, 2015 Hi All – I'm sure many of you are going to be after the same thing, but I am looking for anyone who wants to help or join me in completing my (and your) wheel.  Here is what I have [..] View


2:33 pm, July 7, 2015 hello creators of destiny, i love your game especially the multiplayer mode, trials of osiris. the only problem is that i was playing with two colleagues of mine, and during a game my internet suddenl [..] View



Friends on Destiny

2:33 am, July 5, 2015 Hey, I'm making this post because I have been having trouble making friends on Xbox One for Destiny. If you want to have fun and level up your character doing raids, strikes, crucibles and more just a [..] View

Level 34 looking for friends to make a fireteam to do raids or anything

2:33 am, July 5, 2015 Looking for people to do raids, prison of elders, and nightfall stirkes I'm level 34 warlock also 33 on both titan n hunter just looking for people to team up with send me a friend request if your int [..] View

Need active friends for the 360

2:33 am, July 5, 2015 I have a level 32 warlock and hunter. I want to find a group of friends that is online alot and will do raids, strikes, pvp, and other activities the game has to offer. I also want to start atrials ga [..] View

Sold Destiny to Gamestop....

2:33 am, July 3, 2015 I sold my Xbox 360 Destiny to Gamestop. Right now they are running a special with %50 extra trade in credit for games. So with my Pro Member Bonus and everything I got it came to $25 in trade credit w [..] View

New Aussie destiny clan.

2:33 am, July 3, 2015 Submit 2 Authority is a new destiny clan dedicated for all those Aussie destiny players without a clan. We help with nightfall, all raids and PoE every week, and while we are mainly PvE, we will help [..] View


2:33 pm, July 2, 2015 RGS PRIDE 7 is looking for active players!!! Fun Friendly environment good people good vibes all game head welcome. wanna play with 4 clans over 150 people and always growing community? let me know wh [..] View

Destiny Missions 3 man fireteam

2:33 am, July 2, 2015 Are the missions and/or bosses harder to **** with three player fireteams as opposed to solo?  I beat all the missions on hard level solo and played on a three man fireteam last night and it [..] View

Looking for dark below players to fire team w/lvl27

2:33 am, July 1, 2015 hi I am looking for people to help me with the dark below expansion I'm currently in the 3rd mission THE WAKENING if you fancy teaming up my gamer tag is UptownSpring453 and I'd be happy to help you w [..] View

Looking for people to do Raids

2:33 am, July 1, 2015 hey Im a level 32 warlock and me and 2 of my friends (level 31 Titan and 27 hunter) Are looking for people to do the vault of glass raid, we'll accept anyone who wants to join If you are interested th [..] View

Whats going on.....?

2:33 am, July 1, 2015 Anyone know what REALLY is going on with the Destiny Re-release? Are they going to offer people who already have the game a better deal or are we still getting *** over? I read on Bungie that they hav [..] View

Need active friends to play Destiny with!

2:33 pm, June 29, 2015 I'm new here in the forums and Destiny is quite boring by myself since it is impossible to get better gear by just playing by myself. I am your average player looking to achieve great things in Destin [..] View

Achievements Not Popping

2:33 am, June 29, 2015 Hi all,  I am aware of the sign out trick where you scroll over to log out, switch profile, and try to sign in again. However, this does not work for me. Both "Packing Heat" and Ful [..] View

Players wanted

2:33 pm, June 27, 2015 Hey, I'm tired of playing destiny alone and just want another player or two to come on missions with me. I have a mic but I can't talk, I can hear you talk though. Send me a message, my gamertag is Tr [..] View

Connection problems today

2:33 am, June 26, 2015 Right now you may have problems connecting to Destiny, or other player in the game. This is affecting all platforms. If you would like a notification on when this problem is resolved goto https://supp [..] View


2:33 am, June 26, 2015 I know the rears in raids are on a weekly reset, if I started the raid with one character but never got a reward from it (my power went out which in turn ****** the Internet for a few hours) would tha [..] View

D-Pad Shortcuts

2:33 pm, June 25, 2015 Does anyone here feel the same way i do.  The D-pad functions on destiny ****.  I could care less about dancing and pointing or waving. Does anyone know if the Developers are plannin [..] View

Looking for players to play story

2:33 am, June 22, 2015 Looking for players. I have a 34 warlock but what I’m really looking for is someone to play the story with my new Titan(Lvl9) and hunter (Lvl6). I just started the Moon but I’m wi [..] View

Bad support recommends to write a bad forum!

2:33 am, June 22, 2015 When ever a customer support rep tells you to write a bad review for an experience, It's a bad sign! Xbox will take bad social media over benefiting business. Honor your deals and don't take back offe [..] View

SHAME! Shame! False advertisement

2:33 am, June 22, 2015 Shame you Xbox for false advertising on services and discounts! Gold membership deals should be available year long and recognizable post discount if difficulites are experienced. Just sayin, fathers [..] View

Destiny half off? NOT!

2:33 am, June 20, 2015 A couple weeks ago I saw that Destiny is half off for gold accounts. This being a great deal I tried to purchase it... Nah every time I go through the link it won't generate a page or any option to bu [..] View

why has the taken king dlc price increased for the UK

2:33 am, June 19, 2015 Just wanted to ask why has the UK pricing for the taken king changed from £27.99 to £39.99 when for the US it is only $39.99 which if you put into a converter shows that the UK cus [..] View

Lots of connection problems

2:33 pm, June 18, 2015 Hello I play destiny most of the time I like to play online in the crucible but most of the time I just play on the planets right so I the problem is always you lost connection pelase try to fix conne [..] View

Does Getting The Taken King For Xbox ONE transfer to my 360, even though i dont own a Xbox ONE (Yet)

2:33 am, June 18, 2015 This question has really gotten me bothered, im looking forward to the Taken King's release. so as a guy who hasnt switched to X-one yet im looking to get a headstart and buy the collectors edition of [..] View

Crota's End

2:33 pm, June 16, 2015 So I haven't done Crota's end yet and I need 5 people to do it with. If you can help i'd appreciate it.  I'm Lvl 32 and I want some exotic gear. please message me on xbox if you can help GT: [..] View

Looking for people to play 32 PoE with.

2:33 am, June 14, 2015 I need two people to play level 32 PoE with, cant be lower than lvl 32. I'm a level 32 defender titan but i also have a lvl 32 hunter with both subclasses maxed out. if you are interested message me. [..] View

Trials Of Osiris

2:33 am, June 14, 2015 I'm looking to play Trials of Osiris but I can't seem to find anyone willing to give it try. I'm not going to lie and say I'm a great multiplayer killing machine, but I do alright es [..] View

Keep getting booted offline due to code: Caterpillar

2:33 am, June 14, 2015 I keep getting booted off and it really gets me annoyed. This happens so much and I keep having to bug your support on trying to fix it and nothing works. I would like to resolve this issue with Desti [..] View

Destiny PvP Montage

2:33 pm, June 12, 2015 Hey guys.  Just finished working on my first PvP montage for Destiny.  I'd like to know what you think.  If anyone is ever looking for help on PvP or PvE just shoot me a mes [..] View

VoG fresh run

2:33 am, June 12, 2015 I'm looking for 5 willing gaurdians on xbox one for a fresh run on VoG. The mode depends on the levels of whoever responds fastest and no requirement is needed. "What's that you say? No max ghorn [..] View

Looking for players for vault and maybe srikes

2:33 am, June 12, 2015 i'm looking for 4 players for sat night about 12am uk time to join me and my mate for vault of glass. We play for fun so would suit players looking to do it for there first run or if [..] View


2:33 pm, June 10, 2015 so everytime i try to install destiny it gets to about 25% then installation stopped comes up, no big deal so i start looking for solutions, I HAVE TRIED EVERY METHOD TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM THAT I HAVE [..] View

Vanguard Armory

2:33 pm, June 10, 2015 Have already bought Destiny, The Dark Below and House of Wolves for my son.  He wants the Vanguard Armory. Is there anyway to get this without paying $90 and buying three games I already have [..] View

Vault Of Glass Xbox 1

2:33 pm, June 9, 2015 Looking for 5 people to run vault of glass , and people who would like to do raid runs on a regular basis ...  will be on all day today pretty much so hit me up online... My gamertag is Porta [..] View

In LVL 32 POE Need Help NOW!

2:33 am, June 8, 2015 In the final battle with Qodron and need a person who has beat it or would like to beat it preferably with a gjallarhorn... my tag is portablefever67 if you can join shoot me a quick message online... [..] View

Sherpa for Trials of Osiris

2:33 am, June 8, 2015 Hi, I was wondering if there were any brave souls here that could help me with getting through trials this week.. all my destiny friends are either already teamed up or aren't interested and truth be [..] View


2:33 am, June 7, 2015 Im looking for people to do crucible, strikes and extension packs with. Preferably looking for people who live in the UK or the same time zones. I have a level 31 hunter so looking for level 31+. My G [..] View

Hello guardians!

2:33 am, June 7, 2015   Hey Xbox I am looking for some gamers to play destiny with I have a level 33 Titan, level 26 Warlock, and a level 24 Hunter. I have recently hit a point in destiny where leveling up is beco [..] View

Strikes and raides

2:33 am, June 6, 2015 Hey everyone im looking for people to do some strikes and raides with. I'm a 32 titan. GT is xBEERSGOODx I'm in the Midwest in the USA Time zone. Send me a message if you want to play or on here. Have [..] View

Prison of Elders glitch

2:33 am, June 3, 2015 I was doing the level 32 Prison and was cheated out of my rewards because I died and all (living) Guardians were summoned back to the airlock, making it impossible to revive me. I left the game to see [..] View

Destiny Vault of Glass/Prison of Elders

2:33 am, June 3, 2015 Hit me up guys if you want to do these missions or any other you may need to do.On quite a bit just add me.Looking to get them done some time this week from tonight (02.06.15)onwards.See you on the ba [..] View

looking for strong guardians for prision of elders.

2:33 pm, June 2, 2015 i have a 33 titan and two 31s that are a warlock and a hunter. im trying to build a string tean and have fun with this. please add me send me invites whatever ill be down if im on the game. my gtag is [..] View

Never did a Raid

2:33 pm, June 1, 2015 Hello guys,    Me and my wife play Destiny. I am looking to do my first Destiny Raid with her we are a level 30 and 28. She will be a 30 shortly. I am curious who is willing to help [..] View

Prison Of elders runs

2:33 am, June 1, 2015 Just want to do some quick prison of elders runs, need to get level 32 version done first, anyone welcome, no mic needed, maybe some Trials of osiris after, message me if you're interested, GT: Master [..] View

Friends With Benefits (360)

2:33 am, June 1, 2015 Hey guys, I have had so much trouble lately on 360 trying to find sone people to do events with. If you are interested at all in doing the Vault of Glass, Crota raid, weekly Nightfall and Heroic st [..] View

Error message "turtle"

2:33 am, May 30, 2015 Hi everyone, I've just recently brought an xbox one along with destiny and halo, now halo works great but destiny i cant even get on and come up with the error message "Failed to download configu [..] View


2:33 am, May 30, 2015 Have 3 characters ranging from 30 to 32 . Need a wingman to run with me on each character in HOW chapters to get them open and be able to see the POE. Know its a lot to ask , but any and all help is [..] View


2:33 am, May 30, 2015 Hey all. Im sure we have all experienced the frustration in trying to find people to play with in Destiny. I cant count how many times I have spent 20 or more minutes looking for a party to do a run ( [..] View


2:33 am, May 29, 2015 i need new friends on destiny. right now the best i have is a lv 20 titan, and the next time ill be able to play is the 7th. so if you do add me, just add me on from then on, ill probably [..] View

Need a copy of Destiny? The best time to get it is now

2:33 am, May 28, 2015 Just saw this posted from the dudes at Amazon is selling Destiny for $20. I just bought myself a copy since my friends kept nagging me about it. Just wanted to let [..] View

Destiny Fire team Finding

2:33 am, May 28, 2015 Hello, Just in case with lack of problems with finding fire team members here on the Xbox forums, you can ,also, find plenty of well experienced located on the Bungie official website. I will post th [..] View

Multiple xbox's on same network, get disconnected from Destiny all the time. Error code weasel.

2:33 am, May 27, 2015 Hello all, Looking for someone who may have some suggestions on configuration/hardware they use while running multiple xbox ones on the same network.  My room and I continuously get disconnec [..] View

Can we get matchmaking for 32,34 PoE please?

2:33 am, May 26, 2015 i started playing this morning it took me over an hour posting threads, sending messages and walking around in social space trying to get people to take on prison of elders.  I was finally ab [..] View

PoE and trials friends

2:33 am, May 26, 2015 help I'm having a hard time finding people that will help.  It would be nice to have matchmaking for Poe cause I have been sending messages and invites all morning with no takers.  W [..] View

32warlock looking for nightfall and raids

2:33 am, May 26, 2015 Level 32warlock looking to run the nightfall, vault of glass hardmode, Croats end either normal or hard. I have beaten them all before. I have a mic but just had my wisdom teeth out so it's hard to ta [..] View

Wolf bounties, what am I doing wrong?

2:33 am, May 26, 2015 I did a couple of bounties before I realized you get access to chests/loot. I am trying to do some more bounties and play alone. It seems that even my legendary weapons don't hurt the bounty bosses. I [..] View

Guardians of destiny-xbox one

2:33 am, May 26, 2015 This is my new group on facebook it's aimed to help you connect to other players on this platform or just generally post your interests and finds about destiny theirs really nothing you can't post or [..] View

Help please !!

2:33 am, May 24, 2015 The speaker doesn't have any of the new update items for me since, well, the update. I have done two uninstalls/re-installs of the game itself and three un/re's for the expansion pack. Still no luck. [..] View

Looking For Friends

2:33 am, May 24, 2015 I play destiny on a regular bass. Enjoying playing destiny but wish i had more friends to do raid, nightfall and the new House of Wolves Prison of Elders. Add me if you wish to play with me GT: Insane [..] View

Squad for Crota/VoG

2:33 am, May 24, 2015 Hello, everybody. I am looking for people to constantly be able to do both raids. Not just a one time thing, but an actual squad dedicated to getting it done every week. I'm a level 32 warlock with a [..] View

Destiny prison and trials

2:33 am, May 24, 2015 Looking for friends for pretty much anything needing a fireteam, right now mostly looking  to do prison of elders currently not overly great at the crucible but would like to try the trials, [..] View

Need help with getting other two characters up in lvls

2:33 am, May 24, 2015 I've had destiny since it came out, but never made other characters besides my lvl 32 Titan. But now I'm working on a lvl 11 warlock. Just grinding through campaign as fast as I can an getting up to s [..] View

All Dead Ghosts - House of Wolves

2:33 am, May 23, 2015 Struggling to find the ghosts? In the words of Draco Malfoy I can help you there! View

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