
Destiny News, Discussions + Guides.




Join the Brotherhood!

2:33 pm, April 6, 2015 Good day my friends! I welcome you all to this invitation, an invitation to our order: the DOLF DOLPHINS. I am Grandmaster Slashbang, Commander and brother of the order. We DOLF are the mysti [..] View

I would like a refund. I've had enough.

1:33 pm, January 18, 2015 When I pre-ordered Destiny I was reassured that the game was an MMORPG/FPS. It turned out to be a bog standard FPS. Looking back from the reveal all the way to trailers just weeks before release it is [..] View

In need of some Guardians for Vault & Casual play (Xbox One)

2:33 am, October 17, 2014 Hello, everyone. I'm in need of some Guardians to assist with taking on the Vault of Glass. I have 1 person who is already in my group, so we need at least 1 more person (preferably more). I am a Ligh [..] View


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