
Destiny News, Discussions + Guides.




Weekly Nightfall team [Xbox One]

2:33 pm, July 26, 2015 Looking for a team to do the weekly Nightfall strike with I am playing on Xbox One and I am looking for two members you need to be level 31-34 If you would like to do the st [..] View


2:33 am, July 24, 2015 helping anyone out with raids poe nightfall anything.. I really have no reason to play the game but to help others and do 35 poe do have a maxed out ghorn and have finished level 35 poe. message if yo [..] View

Help Me, Help You

2:33 am, July 24, 2015 Started playing Destiny again and looking for people to do some raids, weekly nightfall, and POE - I have a level 32 hunter. Have a couple friends who can help but they are not very dependable in game [..] View

How to get etheric light fast at level 32?

2:33 pm, July 14, 2015 I'm trying to get level 34 by next month but I haven't found a single etheric light. I can't find anyone to do trials with because they all want level 34s and the weekly nightfall strike gave me a wea [..] View

Level 34 looking for friends to make a fireteam to do raids or anything

2:33 am, July 5, 2015 Looking for people to do raids, prison of elders, and nightfall stirkes I'm level 34 warlock also 33 on both titan n hunter just looking for people to team up with send me a friend request if your int [..] View

New Aussie destiny clan.

2:33 am, July 3, 2015 Submit 2 Authority is a new destiny clan dedicated for all those Aussie destiny players without a clan. We help with nightfall, all raids and PoE every week, and while we are mainly PvE, we will help [..] View

Friends With Benefits (360)

2:33 am, June 1, 2015 Hey guys, I have had so much trouble lately on 360 trying to find sone people to do events with. If you are interested at all in doing the Vault of Glass, Crota raid, weekly Nightfall and Heroic st [..] View

32warlock looking for nightfall and raids

2:33 am, May 26, 2015 Level 32warlock looking to run the nightfall, vault of glass hardmode, Croats end either normal or hard. I have beaten them all before. I have a mic but just had my wisdom teeth out so it's hard to ta [..] View

Can we get matchmaking for 32,34 PoE please?

2:33 am, May 26, 2015 i started playing this morning it took me over an hour posting threads, sending messages and walking around in social space trying to get people to take on prison of elders.  I was finally ab [..] View

Looking For Friends

2:33 am, May 24, 2015 I play destiny on a regular bass. Enjoying playing destiny but wish i had more friends to do raid, nightfall and the new House of Wolves Prison of Elders. Add me if you wish to play with me GT: Insane [..] View

Looking for group of Guardian's

2:33 am, May 22, 2015 Looking for a group of individuals that would be willing to run raids, nightfalls, strikes, and prision of elders with. Gotten back into this game recently and no one on my list plays anymore. Hit me [..] View

looking for any players wishing to start doing some raids!!!as well as weekly nightfall strikes also the 200 kills with fusion rifles in a weekly nightfall strike for the pocket infinity. please add em and send me a message if your interested:)

1:33 am, February 28, 2015 looking for any players wishing to start doing some raids!!!as well as weekly nightfall strikes also the 200 kills with fusion rifles in a weekly nightfall strike for the pocket infinity. please add e [..] View

Help gearing up

1:33 am, February 27, 2015 Hey guys, I'm relatively new to the whole Destiny bit since Nightfall and Darkness below came out. I'm currently a lvl 26 Hunter trying to gear up. I don't have the expansions but is anyone willing to [..] View

no rewards for weekly and nightfall

1:33 pm, February 24, 2015 I just the weekly heroic strike and nightfall after the weekly refresh and i got no rewards at all not even the strange coins that im suppost to get after the strike, is this a common problem or did i [..] View

Team for Crota hard and Vog hard ect.

1:33 pm, February 17, 2015 Need a team for today's reset, I'm a 31 hunter.. Done it all before, managed to solo until ***** singer before recent so I shouldn't be much trouble. I also need a team for the Weekly and Nightfall, i [..] View

Looking For More Players To Raid With

1:33 am, February 14, 2015 Hey everyone,I'm looking for Destiny players to raid, do nightfalls and weeklies with and even maybe some of the tougher dailies. I tend to run raids as often as I can and I'm just looking for more re [..] View


1:33 am, February 13, 2015 We are the Syndicate Gaming Network, we are a community of gamers on all platforms, and we are looking for people that want to play some Destiny, specially XBOX1.Requirements? Just your passion for ga [..] View


1:33 am, February 1, 2015 Hi, I've been playing Destiny on the XBONE for about a month and I have a lvl 30 Hunter, but I haven't had a chance to try out the Nightfalls/VOG/CROTA content since I don't have friends that play. I' [..] View

Need to do a raid, weekly, nightfall

1:33 am, January 31, 2015 As it says I need to get that stuff done. I'd like to do VOG I have a 30 Hunter and a 27 warlock so getting this pain of a weekly down would be great. Send me a message or invite if something comes up [..] View

Looking for raids/nightfall

1:33 pm, January 28, 2015 i'm new to the raid / nightfall scene. Looking for friends to run with. Hit me up, gamer tag : GrrrRDigH i have a lv30 titian complete. Working on scards to finish out my gear. Hoping to find some rai [..] View

Here to help :)

1:33 am, January 27, 2015 Hello guys and girls. If anyone needs help with crota raid on hard or easy.  The vog on hard or easy. A strike or a nightfall even a bounty  i am here to meet new ppl that like to pl [..] View

Need players to do nightfall and weekly. (I need to do one of them twice for a bounty.)

1:33 pm, January 10, 2015 Looking for players that are on a lot and are experienced. I'm level 30 and almost 31. Would be nice to add you if you play a lot as well and need people to do dailies or weeklys. Send me a message if [..] View

Need 1 more for regular raid group...

1:33 am, January 2, 2015 There are 5 of us that consistently play, all with three characters. We generally raid Tuesday nights around 6-7PM Central Time and usually meet up again at least on Thursday and Sunday just to have f [..] View

I need a group to play with

1:33 am, January 2, 2015 I'm a lvl 30 titan(had 3 30's, 2 magically disappeard), looking to join a group(not a clan). It would just be nice to have a consistant group to do the weekly strike, nightfall, and raids with. I'm a [..] View

Looking for a regular nightfall and weekly group to play with

1:33 am, December 18, 2014 I have a 31 Hunter & 30 Warlock and I'm tired of constantly soloing these activities.  Anyone who wants to run these on a regular basis and get into some of higher content send me a f [..] View

Looking For Destiny Players

1:33 am, December 16, 2014 Hey everyone, I'm looking for some people to party up with on Destiny on a regular basis. There are only a few things I'm looking for. - Please be relaxed and someone who has fun gaming and doesn't ra [..] View

Destiny help with thorn bounty strike

1:33 pm, December 9, 2014 I need help getting to the end of the phogoth strike and not killing him but killing xyor a wizard that appears when fighting phogoth i am a level 28 warlock and i need help getting to the end and kil [..] View

Looking for european players to do everything with

1:33 am, December 3, 2014 I'm a level 28 titan, looking for some people in europe to play with. I'm from Sweden and on almost every day. Have some experience from vogand nightfall. Hit me up if you want to play. GT: fidde89ki [..] View

Looking for friends on Xbox 360!!!

1:33 am, December 2, 2014 Hey guys, i have a decent amount of friends that I do play destiny with however most of them arent always on when im on. I would love to have some more friends to play with to do the weekly, nightfall [..] View

Nightfall and raid

1:33 am, November 30, 2014 Hey guys im a level 25 titain and I have to get 200 kills on nightfall for my first exotic then I was hoping some people could help out with my first raid so I could be better equipped for the dlc if [..] View

Looking for team to play VOG on XBONE Titan level 27

1:33 am, November 29, 2014 I'm looking for a team to play both raids and weekly nightfall. I'm a level 27 titan, plays almost every day. Almost all legendary and exotic armor and weapons. Currently leveling both a warlock and a [..] View

New Xbox One Player - Experience raider with 2 30's and a 29

1:33 am, November 19, 2014 Hey everyone,  GT: Gernader Jake I'm looking for other experienced Xbox One players to do the hard raid with. I ran through is last night in 50 minutes, but I still have two accounts to do it [..] View

Destiny help please

1:33 am, November 11, 2014 Hey all. Recently dismantled my 10 fusion rifles for the exotic bounty, Shattered memory fragment. anyway, Doing the nightfall strike to **** 200 enemies & really struggling. I cant get past t [..] View

Level 27+ Players wanted for daily, weekly, nightfall and VOG. Got all three classes leveled up.

1:33 am, November 8, 2014 Warlock 28, Titan 27 and Hunter 27. Add me for regular daily, weekly, nightfall and vog raids. Good team player and on frequently. Players 27+ add me, any class as I can use any of mine. I've got Suro [..] View

Destiny friends needed.

1:33 pm, November 5, 2014 I need people to play Destiny with because all my loser friends don't own a next gen console. I would like people to do strikes/VoG/Nightfalls with and be able to invite to do stuff with.Level 25 Hunt [..] View

Need serious raiders

1:33 am, November 4, 2014 Everytime I get into a group to do raid everyone messes around until ppl leave I want to get it done no lolly gagging add me if u want to do raids,nightfalls,weeklys level 29 warlock and 27 hunter hi [..] View

Need a team for Weekly Strikes

1:33 pm, October 30, 2014 Looking for a  fire team to give me a hand with the weekly strikes.... Weekly Heroic on 26 or Nightfall on 28. LvL 28 Hunter on Xbox1 Message me: THE GUN SL1NG3R ** I have not been through a [..] View


1:33 pm, October 30, 2014 Need a team that will be consistent and is active and online quite often To complete the weeklies on hard and nightfalls. Raids also. add me: Jaacked message me and we'll go from there (currently leve [..] View

Weekly Nightfall Strike Now/Vault of Glass in an hour

1:33 am, October 30, 2014 I have the Vault of Glass Atheon save from a few people who were nice enough to have me join them and try for a few hours. I will be doing the nightfall strike first to get better gear since Im only a [..] View

Need 1 for Nightfall: Xbox 360

1:33 am, October 28, 2014 Need 1 person for Nightfall, possibly 2 depending one how quick the response is. Level 28 Hunter. No mic. Keep in mind I'm looking for those who strategize, meaning sitting in the back room for the ma [..] View

Weekly Nightfall Strikes, Weekly Heroic Strikes, Daily Heroic and Vault of Glass

1:33 am, October 28, 2014 Hello Guardians! This is basically a copy and paste of the friend finder that I found on reddit, all credit goes to Nikosaur aka Dinklebot, I'm just a facilitator trying to get the ball rolling. I'm l [..] View

Looking for Casual Destiny Players

2:33 am, October 25, 2014 Hey Everybody,      I am a casual player looking to get into some groups for raiding and/or doing the weekly nightfall missions or just playing every-so-often.& [..] View

Need some new friends for Destiny to play with :)

2:33 pm, October 24, 2014 Hey so far I have got to Level 25 on my own but now it seems I need to make new friends to carry on but I don't have any to play destiny with... :( I would love to have some friends to play destiny wi [..] View

Normal/Hard Mode Raids for the WEEKENDS ONLY!!

2:33 am, October 24, 2014 I currently have 3 accounts all of which are setup good. I work 5 days a week and I know that there are a lot of people that do the same. I try to get on as much as I can during the week to do dailie [..] View

Raid on any Difficulty

2:33 am, October 22, 2014 I'm looking for people to do Raids/Nightfalls with whenever on any difficulty, I'm a level 29 so hard or normal doesn't matter to me either way if your interested in doing so please send me a [..] View

Weekly Nightfall Strike (I NEED HELP)

2:33 pm, October 18, 2014 I'm looking for help from a few good players to complete the nightfall strike Levels need to be from 25-29-30 must be able to survive and be geared and just get it done without bringing the team down [..] View

VoG Normal raid

2:33 am, October 16, 2014 Hey all, lookin for some people to get a raid party going today, the sooner the better im free all day today. Add Th3GreaterGood   (im down to raid 2-3 times i have a 28 warlock, 28 titan and [..] View


2:33 am, October 11, 2014 Looking to add chill people who are up for nightfall weekly strikes raid iron banner anything really I work night shift so most friends aren't on when I am hit me up if u need help anytime I'm on .... [..] View

Destiny Players for Xbox One

2:33 am, October 11, 2014 I'm looking for players that will do the vault of glass and even the daily/weekly heroic missions but also the weekly Nightfall Strike. You can add me and message me If you are interested. I'm level 2 [..] View

Looking for friends To do vog/nightfall on Destiny, add me gt FEED DA SEED, Lvl 27 blade dancer and gunslinger

2:33 am, October 9, 2014 As the title says looking for some friends, to run some raids or nogjtfall strikes, as well as other activities on destiny. level 27 hunter w maxed blade runner and near maxed gunslinger, leg gear and [..] View

weekly nightfall.

2:33 pm, October 8, 2014 I was doing the weekly nightfall with friends and the servers crashed. All my friends disconnected. we had the boss below quarter health and we lost all progress. I'm disgusted with the destiny server [..] View

Need Help With Nightfall Tomorrow and Looking to Join some VOG Raids!!!

2:33 am, October 7, 2014 Add me as friend if you want a teammate for nightfall missions and VOG raids or even weekly and daily heroic missions. I'm on most nights between 5pm and 12pm eastern standard time I'm lvl 28 sunsinge [..] View

Need Team Members For Hard Missions (LVL 26-28)

2:33 am, October 4, 2014 Hey guys. I am Looking for friends/team members to do some harder missions to get legendary loot and ascendant materials. I'm lvl 27 (almost 28). I play every night at 7pm to 12pm ES [..] View


2:33 pm, October 2, 2014 Im just getting on add me n msg me if you need someone for raid or nightfall strike I'm level 28, also looking for someone to do queens wrath missions, bounties, and strike playlists with GT: stinkyp [..] View

Looking for people interested in a level 27 account with ice breaker and full gear

2:33 am, September 28, 2014 HI my name is xRatedxTrex i have a level 27 character who will soon be level 28 after i get some more ascended shards. he also has the ice breaker, sun breakers, both sub classes caped out, exp bonus [..] View

Queen's Wrath

2:33 pm, September 26, 2014 Need a good team to start doing these missions, I have about seven of them. I'd also like players who play daily, get a nice little fire team going on so we can run through whatever missions we all ne [..] View


2:33 am, September 24, 2014 I'm a level 27 (almost 28) Titan, with both subclasses maxed, all legendary and exotic gear/weapons. Gamertag: Po0ohdini And my partner is also a level 27 (almost 28) Warlock, with both subclasses max [..] View


looking for any players wishing to start doing some raids!!!as well as weekly nightfall strikes also the 200 kills with fusion rifles in a weekly nightfall strike for the pocket infinity. please add em and send me a message if your interested:)

Feb 28, 2015, 1:54 am <p>looking for any players wishing to start doing some raids!!!as well as weekly nightfall strikes also the 200 kills with fusion rifles in a weekly nightfall strike for the pocket infinity. please ad[..] View

no rewards for weekly and nightfall

Feb 24, 2015, 1:50 pm <p>I just the weekly heroic strike and nightfall after the weekly refresh and i got no rewards at all not even the strange coins that im suppost to get after the strike, is this a common problem or di[..] View

Need to do a raid, weekly, nightfall

Jan 31, 2015, 1:49 am As it says I need to get that stuff done. I'd like to do VOG I have a 30 Hunter and a 27 warlock so getting this pain of a weekly down would be great. Send me a message or invite if something comes up[..] View

Looking for raids/nightfall

Jan 28, 2015, 1:55 pm <p>i'm new to the raid / nightfall scene. Looking for friends to run with. Hit me up, gamer tag : GrrrRDigH</p> <p>i have a lv30 titian complete. Working on scards to finish out my gear. Hoping to fin[..] View

Need players to do nightfall and weekly. (I need to do one of them twice for a bounty.)

Jan 10, 2015, 1:50 pm <p>Looking for players that are on a lot and are experienced. I'm level 30 and almost 31. Would be nice to add you if you play a lot as well and need people to do dailies or weeklys. Send me a message[..] View

Nightfall Help?

Jan 9, 2015, 2:02 pm <p>Hey I'm a Level 30 titan and need help doing the weekly nightfall on mars. Looking for good players at levels 29+. Gamertag is Infantgroundhog, hit me up.</p>[..] View

Looking for a regular nightfall and weekly group to play with

Dec 18, 2014, 11:59 am <p>I have a 31 Hunter &amp; 30 Warlock and I'm tired of constantly soloing these activities. &nbsp;Anyone who wants to run these on a regular basis and get into some of higher content send me a friend[..] View

Looking for friends To do vog/nightfall on Destiny, add me gt FEED DA SEED, Lvl 27 blade dancer and gunslinger

Nov 30, 2014, 8:11 pm <p>As the title says looking for some friends, to run some raids or nogjtfall strikes, as well as other activities on destiny.</p> <p>level 27 hunter w maxed blade runner and near maxed gunslinger, le[..] View

weekly nightfall.

Nov 30, 2014, 1:14 pm <p>I was doing the weekly nightfall with friends and the servers crashed. All my friends disconnected. we had the boss below quarter health and we lost all progress. I'm disgusted with the destiny ser[..] View

Nightfall and raid

Nov 30, 2014, 7:42 am Hey guys im a level 25 titain and I have to get 200 kills on nightfall for my first exotic then I was hoping some people could help out with my first raid so I could be better equipped for the dlc if [..] View


Nov 29, 2014, 10:38 pm <p>Looking to add chill people who are up for nightfall weekly strikes raid iron banner anything really I work night shift so most friends aren't on when I am hit me up if u need help anytime I'm on .[..] View


Nov 29, 2014, 2:48 pm <p>Need a team that will be consistent and is active and online quite often To complete the weeklies on hard and nightfalls. Raids also.</p> <p>add me: Jaacked</p> <p>message me and we'll go from ther[..] View

Need Help With Nightfall Tomorrow and Looking to Join some VOG Raids!!!

Nov 29, 2014, 12:53 pm <p>Add me as friend if you want a teammate for nightfall missions and VOG raids or even weekly and daily heroic missions. I'm on most nights between 5pm and 12pm eastern standard time I'm lvl 28 sunsi[..] View

Weekly Nightfall Strike (I NEED HELP)

Nov 29, 2014, 1:11 am <p>I'm looking for help from a few good players to complete the nightfall strike</p> <p>Levels need to be from 25-29-30 must be able to survive and be geared and just get it done without bringing the [..] View

Weekly Nightfall Strikes, Weekly Heroic Strikes, Daily Heroic and Vault of Glass

Nov 28, 2014, 1:13 pm <p>Hello Guardians! This is basically a copy and paste of the friend finder that I found on reddit, all credit goes to Nikosaur aka Dinklebot, I'm just a facilitator trying to get the ball rolling. I'[..] View

Need 1 for Nightfall: Xbox 360

Nov 28, 2014, 12:12 pm <p>Need 1 person for Nightfall, possibly 2 depending one how quick the response is. Level 28 Hunter. No mic. Keep in mind I'm looking for those who strategize, meaning sitting in the back room for the[..] View

Weekly Nightfall Strike Now/Vault of Glass in an hour

Nov 28, 2014, 10:58 am <p>I have the Vault of Glass Atheon save from a few people who were nice enough to have me join them and try for a few hours.</p> <p>I will be doing the nightfall strike first to get better gear since[..] View

Level 27+ Players wanted for daily, weekly, nightfall and VOG. Got all three classes leveled up.

Nov 28, 2014, 8:44 am <p>Warlock 28, Titan 27 and Hunter 27. Add me for regular daily, weekly, nightfall and vog raids. Good team player and on frequently. Players 27+ add me, any class as I can use any of mine. I've got S[..] View

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