
Destiny News, Discussions + Guides.




POE 34 or 35

2:33 am, July 22, 2015 Looking for help for prison of elders 34 or 35. Im a level 33 warlock. I need a few etheric lights. Send me a message my gamertag is H1tman Ir0nhide. I in hitman is a number one and the o in ironhide [..] View

Vault of Glass (4 Needed)

2:33 am, July 19, 2015 I need four people to help me and my friend with Vault of Glass. I have a level 34 Warlock (Voidwalker), or a level 32 Hunter (Fully upgraded Celestial Nighthawk and Gunslinger). My friend has a three [..] View

Vault of Glass Raid

2:33 am, July 16, 2015 I was ditched by my buddies and need a raid group for vault of glass. Preferably warlocks and hunters of high levels. I am a Level 32 defender Titan. I will start a party to communicatet. I am Lamente [..] View

Yup hopped on the late train bandwagon!! *New here*

2:33 pm, July 14, 2015 Just bought the game a few days ago, figured $20 is cheap for me. I have a level 7 Warlock......that's all. I was thinking about equal leveling characters or just focus on one now and start another [..] View

Level 34 looking for friends to make a fireteam to do raids or anything

2:33 am, July 5, 2015 Looking for people to do raids, prison of elders, and nightfall stirkes I'm level 34 warlock also 33 on both titan n hunter just looking for people to team up with send me a friend request if your int [..] View

Need active friends for the 360

2:33 am, July 5, 2015 I have a level 32 warlock and hunter. I want to find a group of friends that is online alot and will do raids, strikes, pvp, and other activities the game has to offer. I also want to start atrials ga [..] View

Looking for people to do Raids

2:33 am, July 1, 2015 hey Im a level 32 warlock and me and 2 of my friends (level 31 Titan and 27 hunter) Are looking for people to do the vault of glass raid, we'll accept anyone who wants to join If you are interested th [..] View

Need active friends to play Destiny with!

2:33 pm, June 29, 2015 I'm new here in the forums and Destiny is quite boring by myself since it is impossible to get better gear by just playing by myself. I am your average player looking to achieve great things in Destin [..] View

Looking for players to play story

2:33 am, June 22, 2015 Looking for players. I have a 34 warlock but what I’m really looking for is someone to play the story with my new Titan(Lvl9) and hunter (Lvl6). I just started the Moon but I’m wi [..] View

Sherpa for Trials of Osiris

2:33 am, June 8, 2015 Hi, I was wondering if there were any brave souls here that could help me with getting through trials this week.. all my destiny friends are either already teamed up or aren't interested and truth be [..] View

Hello guardians!

2:33 am, June 7, 2015   Hey Xbox I am looking for some gamers to play destiny with I have a level 33 Titan, level 26 Warlock, and a level 24 Hunter. I have recently hit a point in destiny where leveling up is beco [..] View

looking for strong guardians for prision of elders.

2:33 pm, June 2, 2015 i have a 33 titan and two 31s that are a warlock and a hunter. im trying to build a string tean and have fun with this. please add me send me invites whatever ill be down if im on the game. my gtag is [..] View


2:33 am, May 30, 2015 Hey all. Im sure we have all experienced the frustration in trying to find people to play with in Destiny. I cant count how many times I have spent 20 or more minutes looking for a party to do a run ( [..] View

32warlock looking for nightfall and raids

2:33 am, May 26, 2015 Level 32warlock looking to run the nightfall, vault of glass hardmode, Croats end either normal or hard. I have beaten them all before. I have a mic but just had my wisdom teeth out so it's hard to ta [..] View

Squad for Crota/VoG

2:33 am, May 24, 2015 Hello, everybody. I am looking for people to constantly be able to do both raids. Not just a one time thing, but an actual squad dedicated to getting it done every week. I'm a level 32 warlock with a [..] View

Need help with getting other two characters up in lvls

2:33 am, May 24, 2015 I've had destiny since it came out, but never made other characters besides my lvl 32 Titan. But now I'm working on a lvl 11 warlock. Just grinding through campaign as fast as I can an getting up to s [..] View

Friends to continue in Battles

2:33 pm, May 18, 2015 Hi everybody from the XBOX community,  I am in the search of new partners that would like to go on quests in especial mission. I have a level 31 with the warlock; 30 with the titan and 31 wi [..] View

Seeking help for VoG Raid!

2:33 am, May 15, 2015 Hello all! Feel free to look at my   I've been trying to finish the raid with friends and tonight I'm trying to band [..] View

Need Friends (Xbox One)

2:33 am, May 1, 2015 Hey, Gamertag:  ifinx Warlock: Level 23 Location: North America / East Coast Hey everyone I only have the one character, but I would like to find some friends that wouldn't mind to set up a m [..] View

Looking for Destiny friends (Xbox 360 and Xbox One)...

2:33 am, April 27, 2015 to do daily missions, weekly strikes, strike playlists, raids, patrols, bounties, and whatever else House of Wolves may bring. I don't play PvP though, it's just not my thing. A little about [..] View

Last Minute VoG Before Game Restarts - Atheon part

2:33 am, April 14, 2015 Looking for 4 people to do VoG with me and my friend on Xbox one. Lvl 28+ would be nice. It is on normal. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING and a mic would be preferred. Shoot me a msg as fast as possi [..] View

Crota's End Hard Raid Team needed

2:33 pm, April 6, 2015 Sup guys im looking for a few level 32's that are interested in doing the Crota's End raid on hard. Im a level 32 warlock with a fully upgraded ggjallahorn. Unfortunately i dont really have anyone els [..] View

Crota's End Raid Team on Hard

2:33 pm, April 5, 2015 Sup guys im looking for a few level 32's that are interested in doing the Crota's End raid on hard. Im a level 32 warlock with a fully upgraded ggjallahorn. Unfortunately i dont really have anyone els [..] View

PvP Domination

1:33 pm, March 24, 2015 I am trying to replicate a video in which there is a fire team of 4 defender titans wearing 'the crest of alpha' or whatever that chest is that drops more orbs, they start up a crucible match and all [..] View

Lvl 28 warlock looking to join a raid, any.

1:33 am, March 9, 2015 I am a levil 28 warlock that is looking to find a lobby to do either raids, I have the map pack, I will do either or but I have never before completed  th dlc map. Please invite soon. I have [..] View

Looking for A Clan

1:33 pm, March 8, 2015 If this is the wrong place to post this, I am sorry. I am a casual Destiny player who plays mainly on weekends, and I also have an eight month old, so there is that. I am looking for an easy going cla [..] View

Me and a friend looking to raid

1:33 pm, March 2, 2015 I'm a 27 Warlock and I have a friend who is a 28 Hunter class and we're both looking to raid. We just need a group to get down with, add FasterBlade2021 and Nifty Alchemist for consistent players look [..] View

Lone Wolf

1:33 pm, February 26, 2015 Hello fellow Guardians, I'm looking for a fireteam to the vault of glass raid. I also just need some people to play with considering all my friends got PS4s. A lot of Destiny's best features require y [..] View

Crota CP on Hard! Looking for five with experience.

1:33 am, February 23, 2015 I have a lvl 32 Hunter, 31 Titan, and 31 Warlock. I'll be on until 9 pm EST tonight. Just send me a message or party invite on XBL. My gamer tag is Il Quinn lI. The first letter is a capital i then a [..] View

Any Raid

1:33 am, February 22, 2015 Looking for people to do any of the two raids I have a level 30 Warlock (both sub classes fully upgraded) and in the process of getting my hunter and titan to that level Im available to do it usually [..] View

3 man VOG

1:33 am, February 20, 2015  I've tried plenty others and haven't had any luck. I am pretty much done with the game, got all the weapons I want, just got ghorn, black hammer and thorn last week. I got loads of time and [..] View

Crota Raid

1:33 am, February 18, 2015 Lvl 30 warlock that has not played destiny in 2 mths because i have been traveling is trying to get back into destiny but seems that my old raid group fell apart. If anyone doesn't mind helping a guy [..] View

VOG and Crota raid partners required

1:33 am, February 12, 2015 Hey guys, I'm a 31 hunter (30 if I use my preferred armour) and I'm looking for a VOG hard group to join tonight? (I'm in the UK.) Any future raids just add me and invite me and I'll join as a back up [..] View

LFG for some Raids/Strike/Heroic.....

1:33 am, February 3, 2015 Hello.My name is Falizard lvl 31 warlock im looking for some Good Friends to play some srsly raids or something els i play this game almost 24/7 Got Good gear and got Gjallarhorn max lvl.. so just se [..] View

Hey U! yea u there...looking to do some raids...any

1:33 am, February 1, 2015 Hey fellow guardian.... Im looking to do some raids vault of glass or crota...i own every exotic weapon except red ***** and hard light...My main character is a level 32 titan and my other 2 are level [..] View

VoG Raid Normal Players needed

1:33 am, February 1, 2015 Doing the vault of glass raid need 4 people, I am a level 30 warlock and my friend is level 30 Hunter. We need 4 players level 28+ this is our first time doing it . We have somewhat of an idea of what [..] View

Need to do a raid, weekly, nightfall

1:33 am, January 31, 2015 As it says I need to get that stuff done. I'd like to do VOG I have a 30 Hunter and a 27 warlock so getting this pain of a weekly down would be great. Send me a message or invite if something comes up [..] View

VOG and then CROTA raid

1:33 am, January 16, 2015 So I'm a level 29 warlock a few shards off of level 30 never done the raids before but I need to get them done preferably looking for a team who have done them and can talk me through it I play late d [..] View

Problems with achievements.

1:33 am, January 14, 2015 I've been having problems with multiple achievements unlocking such as the 777 achievement and the achievements for killing 25 Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks in multiplayer. I've completed all [..] View

Weeklies and Daily

1:33 am, January 14, 2015 Hey guys and gals, please invite me if you want to do the daily/weekly (either one) really want to get these done asap, cant find anyone to do them with in the tower by just inviting people. GT: XxiZe [..] View

Raid crew

1:33 pm, January 13, 2015 Looking for some people to do raids with on a weekly basis. I have experience with hard Vog and crota.  I have a lvl 31 hunter , 30 warlock and a 30 titan.  Pm on the box; gamertag [..] View

VOG/Crota raid- HELP

1:33 pm, January 13, 2015 I cannot find a team to finish either of these so please, looking to finish either one of these raids at least once, 29 warlock. just send me an invite/msg if you wouldnt mind running me through, been [..] View

Vault of Glass and Crota raid team

1:33 pm, January 12, 2015 Looking for a  team for the raids (Vault of Glass and Crota), i'm on U.S. time... interested in joining a team that will do the raids daily. I'm currently a 29 sunsinger warlock would be awes [..] View

Looking to join a VOG Raid team NOW

1:33 pm, January 12, 2015 24 year old from Australia. I'm a level 28 Warlock. Experienced In FPS games such as Halo, CoD, Battlefield, ETC.Tried the VoG when I was lvl 26, almost completed it then had a blackout. So if anyone [..] View

Looking for clan

1:33 pm, January 11, 2015 Looking for a good clan with active members. I have a level 30 Titan and warlock. I have a maxed out suros and working on my last word. Anybody looking send me a message please. Oh and I have a mic if [..] View

Titan, Hunter and Warlock at 31. Up for Raids

1:33 am, January 10, 2015 What's up everyone?! As the subject line reads, I have 3 level 31 characters, but I don't do much raiding. I am looking to change that. I have run the VoG a couple of times and have yet to run Crota. [..] View

Looking for Help to level 20

1:33 am, January 4, 2015 I am looking for players to join/help me progress through Destiny. I am a casual but skilled gamer. I am a level 14 warlock and currently doing level 12/13 stories on venus. I play a little here and a [..] View

New friends for fun gaming

1:33 pm, January 1, 2015 Looking for friends that don't take it too seriously, I'm hunter level 26 I think and warlock maybe 10. Old *** man at 32 too used to gettin my *** kicked of 12 year olds lol find and add me GixxerGa [..] View

Vault of Glass Run

1:33 am, December 28, 2014 Lookin for players to run the vault of glass with. I am a level 25 warlock seeking people of equal level and close experience (first run through) a guide would be most welcome. Message via xbox or rep [..] View

Need 5 to finish Crotas Check Point/Final Boss

1:33 pm, December 24, 2014 Msg me -  AllThatBetrays Warlock Lvl 31 Need 5 to finish Crotas Check Point/Final Boss Msg Me GT - AllThatBetrays Need 5 to finish Crotas Check Point/Final Boss Msg Me GT - AllThatBetr [..] View

Looking for Gamers for raid Vog and the dark below

1:33 am, December 24, 2014 Lvl 27 Warlock I'm playing on eastern time but all is welcome. GT is tmcintyre997 i need your help dudes lets take souls together i'm mic up by the way so communication isn't a problem send message or [..] View

Looking for a regular nightfall and weekly group to play with

1:33 am, December 18, 2014 I have a 31 Hunter & 30 Warlock and I'm tired of constantly soloing these activities.  Anyone who wants to run these on a regular basis and get into some of higher content send me a f [..] View

Looking For Destiny Players

1:33 am, December 16, 2014 Hey everyone, I'm looking for some people to party up with on Destiny on a regular basis. There are only a few things I'm looking for. - Please be relaxed and someone who has fun gaming and doesn't ra [..] View

Need 3 more for VOG

1:33 pm, December 14, 2014 Hello, a small group of friends and I are wanting to do vault of glass and need 3 more people. We have a 31 warlock, 31, titan, and 29 hunter. We have full raid experience and just want to run it for [..] View

Looking for a Vault of Glass raid team

1:33 pm, December 14, 2014 Hey everyone! I'm looking for 4 more people looking to help me and a friends (both lvl 28, me as a hunter and him as a warlock) to do vault of glass on normal. Just message me at Blorbon and we'll be [..] View

Destiny help with thorn bounty strike

1:33 pm, December 9, 2014 I need help getting to the end of the phogoth strike and not killing him but killing xyor a wizard that appears when fighting phogoth i am a level 28 warlock and i need help getting to the end and kil [..] View

VOG on hard before the dark below release.

1:33 am, December 7, 2014 I am a lvl 29 warlock looking for a fireteam to do the VOG on hard mode.  I have 500+ hours logged into destiny and still not a lvl 30 (total BS)  ill be getting off work at 6pm Texa [..] View


1:33 am, December 6, 2014 Hey I'm lvl 27 warlock with the exotic pulse rifle bad juju and need at least one more person to join my team! anyone interested add kriegpsychowolf and send me a message. I'm currently dancing in the [..] View

I need more friends for raids. Do you?

1:33 am, December 5, 2014 Very sick of playing the raid just to have people quit half way through. Looking players who want to go all the way. Please add me if you need people or feel the same way. GT is Silent Necrosis and [..] View

Looking for team to play VOG on XBONE Titan level 27

1:33 am, November 29, 2014 I'm looking for a team to play both raids and weekly nightfall. I'm a level 27 titan, plays almost every day. Almost all legendary and exotic armor and weapons. Currently leveling both a warlock and a [..] View

Exotic Weapon Thorn Bounty Please Help! :(

1:33 pm, November 20, 2014 Hi Everyone, I'm stuck on the last bounty of Thorn, I can't seem to get passed the gate as the enemies re too hard for me, I'm a level 26 warlock, really would appreciate anyone's help! :) add me xHe [..] View

Hard raid (xbox one)

1:33 am, November 14, 2014 Going to be doing the hard raid tomorrow so im looking for people to do it with. Preferred lvl 29 or 30 with experience it would be nice to get a warlock aswell but any class will do message me at any [..] View

Destiny help please

1:33 am, November 11, 2014 Hey all. Recently dismantled my 10 fusion rifles for the exotic bounty, Shattered memory fragment. anyway, Doing the nightfall strike to **** 200 enemies & really struggling. I cant get past t [..] View

Buscando Raid - México

1:33 am, November 10, 2014 Hunter lv 29 - xUVx Zak Warlock lv 28 - AlanMB mexicanos buscando Fireteam para hacer el Raid en Normal para Xbox One, noches entre semana o fin de semana a cualquier hora. Agreguen por Xbox Live porq [..] View

Level 27+ Players wanted for daily, weekly, nightfall and VOG. Got all three classes leveled up.

1:33 am, November 8, 2014 Warlock 28, Titan 27 and Hunter 27. Add me for regular daily, weekly, nightfall and vog raids. Good team player and on frequently. Players 27+ add me, any class as I can use any of mine. I've got Suro [..] View

Searching for a clan !

1:33 am, November 4, 2014 Hello everyone I'm Cristal ! I am playing Destiny for over 1 month and I reached the moment when I learnt all the mechanics of the game and how everything works. But I also have a minor problem. I am [..] View

Need serious raiders

1:33 am, November 4, 2014 Everytime I get into a group to do raid everyone messes around until ppl leave I want to get it done no lolly gagging add me if u want to do raids,nightfalls,weeklys level 29 warlock and 27 hunter hi [..] View

Destiny Level 27 Warlock Full Legendary & Exotic Crucible Multiplayer Gameplay! (Destiny Gameplay)

9:43 pm, October 30, 2014  EPIC Destiny gameplay! Full Legendary & Exotic geared Level 27 Warlock Crucible PVP multiplayer gameplay! :) View


1:33 pm, October 30, 2014 Need a team that will be consistent and is active and online quite often To complete the weeklies on hard and nightfalls. Raids also. add me: Jaacked message me and we'll go from there (currently leve [..] View

Weekly Nightfall Strikes, Weekly Heroic Strikes, Daily Heroic and Vault of Glass

1:33 am, October 28, 2014 Hello Guardians! This is basically a copy and paste of the friend finder that I found on reddit, all credit goes to Nikosaur aka Dinklebot, I'm just a facilitator trying to get the ball rolling. I'm l [..] View

LF for people for weekly strike

2:00 am, October 27, 2014 Level 26 warlock looking for people to do the weekly strike. GT: OhReekris View

Desperately Seeking

1:33 pm, October 26, 2014 Genuine level 28 hunter (along with 28 warlock and 28 bog standard class) looking to meet like minded guardians for a vault run. Must be able to communicate and have fun whilst doing so and enjoy long [..] View

Vault of Glass - Normal - XB One

1:33 pm, October 26, 2014 Trying to find a team to do the vault on normal, 26 or higher. Im a 26 Hunter but have beaten the raid many times on my other characters. I have a 26 Void Warlock who is a noob to the raid and i want [..] View

Raid on hard tonight

1:33 am, October 26, 2014 Level 29 titan 28 warlock and a level 30 looking for 3 others to play tonight on hard don't care weather we push off both bosses or try and **** them the right way so if your interested message me gt: [..] View

Looking For a Raid Team, for tonight October 24th ASAP, Anyone who is ready

2:33 am, October 25, 2014 I'm a level 28 Warlock with maxed out subclasses and I have a friend who is a Level 29 Hunter with maxed out subclasses. We are ready, want to play tonight October 24 ASAP or another day. We both have [..] View

Is it worth it to start a new character?

2:33 am, October 24, 2014 I'm almost at max with my titan and was starting to think its time to start either a hunter or warlock class and level one more character.  What is the best overall class of character in your [..] View

Clan of 3 looking for 3 to do the VoG raid

2:33 am, October 23, 2014 We are a clan of various members but most won't be on today. One hunter level 29 and two warlocks one 29 and the other 28. We've beaten the raid before and we are looking for level 26 and up. You don' [..] View

Cryptarch or troll?

2:33 pm, October 21, 2014 Does anyone else feel like Master Rahool has a grudge against them? I've turned in easily over a dozen legendary armor engrams to him, but not one has been for the warlock. I've even gotten literally [..] View


2:33 am, October 21, 2014 Hey anyone wanna play Destiny I'm a level 16 Warlock I don't have many friends on Xbox and playing with other people sounds like a lot of fun. my gamertag is shion1813 add me and lets have some fun ki [..] View

No Legendary or Exotic weapons

2:33 am, October 21, 2014 to all, I'm currently at a lvl 24 and to this point, I have no legendary or exotic weapons.  I play lvl 24 strikes all the time and all I get are rare item rewards that are totally [..] View



Looking to Do VOG Tonight 10/18/2014

2:33 pm, October 19, 2014 I'm on right now, Level 28 Warlock. I've completed the raid three times and looking for a PUG tonight since the regular crew I go with is out.  Message me at Lazy A Hole if you are in need of [..] View

Experienced Vault of Glass team

2:33 am, October 19, 2014 Hey guys, looking for people who have already been thorough the vault and know what they are doing, lvl 27+ players only.  No first timers for this group please. Need at least two void warloc [..] View

Trying to find some more people to do raids with.

2:33 am, October 19, 2014 Hey everyone. I have a level 29 warlock, 28 titan soon to be 29, and a 27 hunter. The people I usually run with aren't trying to run more than 2 times a week so I'm looking for some more people to run [..] View


2:33 pm, October 16, 2014 I am so sick of this garbage! Every talks about how warlock is so good but why?! Sunsinger is a complete flop!  You give Titans a shield ability and Hunters get the invincible knife thing tha [..] View

VoG Normal raid

2:33 am, October 16, 2014 Hey all, lookin for some people to get a raid party going today, the sooner the better im free all day today. Add Th3GreaterGood   (im down to raid 2-3 times i have a 28 warlock, 28 titan and [..] View

Raiding today

2:33 am, October 15, 2014 Two man team looking to do a raid on normal around 2:30 or 3:00 ESTThis is our first time, we need experienced people, laid back and won't flip out if we die.I'm a level 26 Warlock - VoidwalkerMy brot [..] View


2:33 am, October 13, 2014 Anyone need another guy for raid? im 26 almost 27 but i've done the raid and completed it multiple times so im no noob. I can even do it on Hard Mode with my level 28 warlock just hit me up Apex Light [..] View

Need 3 people for VoG Raid.

2:33 am, October 11, 2014 If interested please contact myself or mr dr bacon. Currently have 3 People: lvl 26 Hunter Gunslinger lvl 27 Warlock Sunslinger lvl 27 Titan Striker We have NOT done the raid before, so if you've got [..] View

Destiny Players for Xbox One

2:33 am, October 11, 2014 I'm looking for players that will do the vault of glass and even the daily/weekly heroic missions but also the weekly Nightfall Strike. You can add me and message me If you are interested. I'm level 2 [..] View

Looking for third for Weekly Strike!!!

2:33 am, October 11, 2014 Hey everyone, We're looking for a third person to help us with the weekly strike against the Arcon Preist. We're trying to get the strange coins for completing it. We're running it on lvl 26 for 6 Co [..] View

Lvl 29 hunter looking for raid group

2:33 am, October 7, 2014 Looking to get this done , lvl 29 hunter upgraded guns , give me an invite / request if your looking for another player , can also bring a level 28 warlock as well if 2 players are needed .first time [..] View

Need Help With Nightfall Tomorrow and Looking to Join some VOG Raids!!!

2:33 am, October 7, 2014 Add me as friend if you want a teammate for nightfall missions and VOG raids or even weekly and daily heroic missions. I'm on most nights between 5pm and 12pm eastern standard time I'm lvl 28 sunsinge [..] View

vault of glass

2:33 am, October 5, 2014 im looking for a group to do the vault of glass with im a 29 warlock sunsinger all weapons maxed at 300 if you have a group ready to go and just need 1 more shoot me an invite xSiIent Ninja   [..] View

VOG Raid- Final boss need 4 more in 5 hours

2:33 am, October 5, 2014 Basically I'm up to the final boss but the group I've been playing with went and did it without me, preferably level 26 or above and English, I am a level 28 titan and I have a friend who (has done th [..] View

Need 3 more for the VoG raid. Xbox one

2:33 pm, October 4, 2014 We are a clan of various members but most won't be on today. One hunter level 29 and two warlocks one 29 and the other 28. We've beaten the raid before and we are looking for level 26 and up. You don' [..] View

VoG Raid, Need 4 more ppl for tomorrow.

2:33 pm, October 3, 2014 My friend and I are looking to do the VoG tomorrow around 7 or 7: 30pm EST time, we need 4 more to help out. Will be my first time attempting it so someone with some knowledge of how to do it would be [..] View

Destiny: Raid-Vault of Glass 6:00PM EST (New York Time) 10/4/2014. We need three more people!

2:33 am, October 3, 2014 Me and some friends are planning on making a Vault of Glass run on Destiny. It is ok if you haven't completed it before. We ask that you are level 27 or higher, are good with working with people, comm [..] View

Raid strikes and the hard stuff

2:33 am, October 2, 2014 Im looking to start off playing all the stikes raids and harder difficulty things im a level 25 warlock but 1st id like to do the weekly strike anyone interested message me or add me as a friend im p [..] View

Looking to form a Raid party.

2:33 am, October 1, 2014 Hello fellow Guardians, My brothers and I are looking to form a party for the raid sometime this weekend and any other weekends moving forward.Currently we have three members already, our classes and [..] View


Lvl 28 warlock looking to join a raid, any.

Mar 9, 2015, 10:36 am <p>I am a levil 28 warlock that is looking to find a lobby to do either raids, I have the map pack, I will do either or but I have never before completed &nbsp;th dlc map. Please invite soon. I have p[..] View

Titan, Hunter and Warlock at 31. Up for Raids

Jan 10, 2015, 2:33 am <p>What's up everyone?! As the subject line reads, I have 3 level 31 characters, but I don't do much raiding. I am looking to change that. I have run the VoG a couple of times and have yet to run Crot[..] View


Dec 11, 2014, 3:23 pm <p>I'm a level 27 (almost 28) Titan, with both subclasses maxed, all legendary and exotic gear/weapons. Gamertag: Po0ohdini</p> <p>And my partner is also a level 27 (almost 28) Warlock, with both subc[..] View


Dec 6, 2014, 7:44 am <p>Hey I'm lvl 27 warlock with the exotic pulse rifle bad juju and need at least one more person to join my team! anyone interested add kriegpsychowolf and send me a message. I'm currently dancing in [..] View

Level 26 warlock looking for clan/raid fireteam

Nov 30, 2014, 6:56 pm <p>I've hit level 26 and don't have any friends in the game, I have a mic and am willing to use it. I'm looking for a group that does raids and weekly strikes. However I cannot play Sunday through Tue[..] View

Destiny Level 27 Warlock Full Legendary & Exotic Crucible Multiplayer Gameplay! (Destiny Gameplay)

Nov 28, 2014, 1:23 pm <p><a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p> <p>EPIC Destiny gameplay! Full Legendary &amp; Exotic geared Level 27 Warlock Crucibl[..] View

Lvl 27 warlock looking for people to raid with

Nov 28, 2014, 8:08 am <p>Lvl 27 warlock looking for people to raid/lvl 28 strikes with &nbsp;Send me a friend request "i din i" and a message that says "raid" if you're interested .</p>[..] View

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