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Guest 8:37 pm, January 26, 2017
Having issues right now on my new Xbox One. I wait through long load times to pick my character, then wait some more while THAT loads..the choose my destination, wait MORE while THAST loads...and then as I arrive I get kicked from the servers...I get error codes Baboon, Weasel, and a couple others. I switched from Wireless to a Wired connect...and no change WTF?
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Guest 2:34 am, June 24, 2016
You will need to call customer support to get your account reset.
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Guest 2:21 am, June 24, 2016
Same problem, no solution
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Guest 11:09 pm, January 13, 2016
Yes I can be there most of those days for that time.
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Guest 7:55 am, October 24, 2015
looking for people to play with on a regular basis. dailies, raids, etc. Gamertag mellowbro420, add/message me.
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Guest 2:19 pm, October 8, 2015
Xbox one hunter level 34 i have a mic plz message me GT: SeparateSkink
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Guest 7:33 pm, October 3, 2015
I'm looking for a solid fireteAm as well if this isn't filled yet I'd like to be one of those guys! My gamer tag is (Die Gi Die) add me brother! I also live in eastern time zone as well
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Guest 11:48 pm, September 14, 2015
Have same prob
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Guest 12:51 am, September 11, 2015
Have you already filled these spots? I think we would be very compatible teammates. I live in Central time zone but your typical play hours coincide with mine. I'm a level 26 Hunter, have only been playing for a month or so, but I love it and plan on sticking with it. I've just turned 40, I am an accomplished shooter, hunter, outdoorsman in "real life" and this seems to transfer over to my gameplay skills. I would like to join a team of loyal, dedicated players. Let me know if you still have room on your squad. Thanks.
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Guest 4:53 pm, August 13, 2015
Which console
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Guest 9:57 pm, August 3, 2015
turn off you xbox then unplug it from the power block for about 30 sec then should be good to go. I had to do this over the weekend.
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Guest 1:16 am, July 23, 2015
I'm just gonna bye a hard drive off eBay for like 20$
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Guest 10:01 pm, July 19, 2015
If u have Xbox one add theunknowngamer0 or send your gamer tag to just started and looking for fireteam did not start character yet so add me I'm 15
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Guest 11:33 pm, July 18, 2015
Xbox one , eastern time, Lvl 30 warlock,looking for vault of glass and raid teammates, gamer tag kingtigger7969, I have a mic. Hit me if you need a team mate
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Guest 7:58 pm, July 8, 2015
what about making it so we can reforge armour with rubbish buffs from say the factions and vanguard
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Guest 7:58 pm, July 8, 2015
what about making it so we can reforge armour with rubbish buffs
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Guest 7:43 pm, July 7, 2015
My name is b0ilermaker44 Xbox 1 vog
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Guest 10:09 pm, July 4, 2015
destiny requires an internal hard drive
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Guest 1:10 pm, July 4, 2015
Unplug your console and wait thirty seconds. Then plug in your console again. Worked for me!
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Guest 10:35 am, July 3, 2015
I've changed my console, headset, and controller and still this red sound icon appears on my screen. I can hear conversations but nobody can hear me... frustration.... got a Playstation 4
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Guest 11:08 pm, June 9, 2015
Level 32 Hunter, have taken this as far as I can solo. The matchmaking makes the game. Will not Crucible as I don't want to shoot fellow guardians but must raid for better gear. XBOX 1 - SpartanRelic210
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Guest 8:56 pm, June 8, 2015
What's up add me then, BendingFiddle
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Guest 6:41 am, June 5, 2015
totally agree. I could live with it if solo guys like me could actually obtain the gear you get from doing the raids and etc by doing solo things or logging in so many hours, but the fact that you can't drives me crazy. Makes no sense and its like a punishment or something. And Bungies excuse of "we'll find you enemies but not friends" is lame. They've closed off some of the biggest parts of the game to so many people.
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Guest 5:49 pm, May 31, 2015
I'm having the same trouble. Got the expansion pass for both "The dark below" & The house of wolves. They both are installed but how to you get to play them? Logic dictates that you would play them the same way you play on Earth, the Moon, Venus & Mars. All I can do is watch the cinematic. Will visit the tower to try & find some answer's. But come on Bungie - this very poor.
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Guest 5:11 pm, May 25, 2015
SmugTrigger lvl 27 titan i need the VOG to
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Guest 3:43 pm, May 18, 2015
I first started out with a warlock and I think it's probably the easiest chart her to play with and I would say yes you are gonna want this new DLC it's a big one the first I wouldn't bother unless u have to have it to get the house of wolves but there you go hope I helped
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Guest 4:36 pm, May 17, 2015
I need some guys for a raid vault of glass or Crota I don't mind. I'm a level 27 hunter but I know what I'm doing my name is GSH SwifT.
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Guest 3:00 am, May 14, 2015
Same here, we completed a Crota on easy & VOG on easy with the same clan members, no one leaving and five members got the achievement but I did't and still wont unlock - hammer2562
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Guest 8:08 pm, May 10, 2015
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Guest 8:16 am, May 10, 2015
Your gamertag pls...
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Guest 7:41 am, May 10, 2015
starting a vog raid hard mode mainly want to get to exotic chest, might be willing to finish the raid
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microabyss 2:22 am, April 30, 2015
if anyone would like to help message me at seriousabyss
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Guest 1:21 pm, April 28, 2015
Im having the same issue, only im using free trial codes. I remember when I last ran out, i had to change something in my account settings maybe, but now ive used both a 2day code and a 7day code so I have 9 days wasting away because I only play destiny now :/ not happy because I think iron banner starts today and I cant do that or even any raids. I have both expansions and live, and it fails to recognize anything. Its seriously pissing me off.
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Guest 3:39 pm, April 25, 2015
I'm a level 29 hunter looking for a raid team. Would appreciate it alot. My gamer tag is Neuron Fusion xbox1
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Guest 1:26 am, April 20, 2015
Ach und außerdem ist das das problem von bungie und nicht von microsoft. Wenn du willst dass die gebannt werden solltest du dich wenn überhaupt an bungie wenden.
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Guest 1:19 am, April 20, 2015
Schon billig Hab das video gesehen und muss sagen die haben 10mal besser gespielt als du. Spielst du alle deine strikes so? Hab nie jemand mit weniger skill gesehen.
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Guest 4:58 pm, April 17, 2015
sorry that is allen321_garnet on ps4
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Guest 4:57 pm, April 17, 2015
psn : allen_321garnet need help with 500points crucible thing if you help i help you too
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Guest 1:55 am, April 8, 2015
du bist echt lächerlich... nur wei dich jemand nervt sofort 1 woche xboxlive sperre. ja ne, is klar. dann noch meinen nur weil du ne schlechte verbindung hast cheaten die. echt lächerlich sowas.
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Guest 6:14 pm, April 5, 2015
lvl 30 titan looking to do crota or vault hard today
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Guest 5:57 am, March 21, 2015
I need help with the vault of glass my gamer tag is vz Hennessy zv on the Xbox one so plz help
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Guest 5:15 pm, March 17, 2015
Same **** on ps3
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Guest 8:26 pm, March 10, 2015
It does that when I tried to play GTA 5
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Guest 8:38 am, March 8, 2015
Insanerob987 game tag add me level 31
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Guest 7:44 am, March 7, 2015
Can add me insanerob987 send me a message I got hunter level 31 Titan 26 and just to start warlock soon
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Guest 7:40 am, March 7, 2015
Same as you guys can add me insanerob987 I got level 30 hunter and 26 Titan and starting warlock soon just send me message and when ever on together can join up
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Guest 7:09 pm, March 2, 2015
I just started destiny on Xbox 360 I no I'm a lil late lol but I'm already lvl 14 and I need some ppl to join up for cruciable n story strikes n even raids basically I just need more ppl to play with my gtag is : KushBr042O
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Guest 2:40 pm, February 24, 2015
set to joinable the roster to be allowed to write a gt
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Guest 8:27 am, February 22, 2015
^ My gamertag is Black Knight930
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Guest 8:25 am, February 22, 2015
Yea, im a level 27 warlock and very loyal and friendly, would appreciate if i could pitch in
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Guest 3:06 pm, February 20, 2015
Looking for a raid team....L31 .... Already been thru Crota.... See SpanielSwingers in the tower
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Guest 6:39 pm, February 13, 2015
hay I'm a level 31 titan looking for a team to do crota on hard, I've already done crota before a lot so I'm experienced but my friends never want to do it with me. I have a lot of good guns like legendries and exotics so send me a friend request my gamer tag on Xbox 360 is FatGummyBear860
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Guest 1:35 am, February 13, 2015
i need help with the vault of glass own my ps 4
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Guest 4:29 pm, February 4, 2015
Eaglesout ready to do the raid for ps4 add to do it today
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Guest 10:16 pm, January 31, 2015
Looking to do raids and **** so I can win some cool **** Hunter level 27 I G0T 22s SON (0,O) zero first then o
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Guest 5:28 am, January 29, 2015
I have same trouble on Titan Fall ! Even the same error code !
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Guest 3:27 am, January 29, 2015
I will join! lv 30 titan
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Guest 3:00 am, January 27, 2015
How often do you raid
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Guest 8:07 pm, January 24, 2015
No progress for Destiny :( I'd really like to know how many more ghosts I need.
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Guest 8:07 pm, January 23, 2015
The deadline for the extra stuff was January 15th. I bought the season pass on the 19th and found out the same thing. :(
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Guest 11:47 pm, January 21, 2015
I'm looking for the Vault of Glass: Atheon checkpoint on normal, PS3. Plz reply if you have it
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Guest 7:12 am, January 21, 2015
Level 29 Titan, UN WARBIRD. I have a mic, and I follow directions. I'm at your disposeal
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Guest 10:17 pm, January 19, 2015
My game tag is Mavrac lvl 30 could use some help too
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Guest 1:39 pm, January 18, 2015
I had the same problem too! I had just way too much stuff laying around!
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Guest 2:28 pm, January 17, 2015
Ps4 New York EST LVL 31 Hunter/Warlock and LVL 29 Titan Strike/Raids Mic -Yes Gamer tag DakotaLtd Looking at partnering up with a clan or a few people to complete weekly strikes and raids. Please add me and msg me when on.
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Guest 2:27 am, January 11, 2015
PS3 CA USA LVL 28 Hunter Strijes/Raids Mic Yes PSN: blazeekt
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Guest 6:41 pm, January 10, 2015
I'm looking for a team now, level 25 hunter, I can hold my own pretty well. Add me on xbone: BurntCigarette
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Guest 6:03 pm, January 8, 2015
The opposite thing happened to my fireteam. The achievement only popped for one guy in our fireteam while the rest of us didn't get anything. We just did it on Crota yesterday, so I'm in a similar situation as you are. I have tried signing in and signing out doing everything to get the achievement to pop up, but nothing has worked.
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Guest 9:11 pm, January 5, 2015
Cbrenycz look for me
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Guest 5:06 pm, January 3, 2015
Need someone that has level 30 vog on atheon i have three more people to do it
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Guest 10:33 pm, January 2, 2015
What tax
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Guest 2:42 pm, January 1, 2015
Hey just started today, WANNA help me?
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Guest 9:05 am, January 1, 2015
PaPaGLOCK 747 is my gut. I'm 31 gtg
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narjaime123 5:30 pm, December 30, 2014
i will join you in destiny and just saying my character is a lv 8 hunter and i am stuck on one of the weaker mission by being overwhelmed. my name is PsychoJester00
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Guest 6:57 pm, December 29, 2014
you have to include tax
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Guest 10:17 am, December 29, 2014
I'm a level 26 warlock I might be able to do it
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Guest 12:55 am, December 29, 2014
I know this is a lil late but i was looking for people to help me **** xyor as well. If u already finished this bounty I understand. I just need to find someone who can help me.
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Guest 11:30 pm, December 28, 2014
sure im a lvl 25 titan on 360 my gt is xXStorkPoizinXx
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Guest 5:22 pm, December 26, 2014
I'm a level 6 titan. On most nights and have a mic. Add if you like walkingjoker84 on xbox one
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Guest 6:33 pm, December 23, 2014
Not sure Bro, I know I have that exact question as well, why I'm here. My screen says the same thing, except when I try to log back in or sign into Destiny I have to unplug there console for it to reboot
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Guest 8:56 pm, December 22, 2014
Is this still in affect because I need to do the Vault and get it done with and need 5 people. Please help. Tag is LyricalBandit89
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Guest 6:18 pm, December 21, 2014
Same issue here as well as on GTA online. My ports are open and nat is open but for some reason while atemping to play destiny weekly nightfall I get disconnected with a error screen saying that my nat is strict following the error code vulture. I ran the multiplayer connection test and opened the detailed info thereafter reports says network is behind coned nat so idk wth is wrong my network is going off a new ac1900. Gonna try to replace the modem idk if that will help.
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Guest 9:24 pm, December 16, 2014
same problem
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Guest 5:24 am, December 16, 2014
Hey......I'm a lv 29 warlock looking for a group for raids......haven't done any but will invest time to do them right......armor is all legendary with an exotic piece......weapons, I have a maxed legendary pulse rifle, legendary sniper rifle....also have tag is XxparkyX for Ps3........
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Guest 5:22 am, December 16, 2014
Hey......I'm a lv 29 warlock looking for a group for raids......haven't done any but will invest time to do them right......armor is all legendary with an exotic piece......weapons, I have a maxed legendary pulse rifle, legendary sniper rifle....also have tag is XxparkyX for Ps3........
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Guest 5:21 am, December 16, 2014
Hey......I'm a lv 29 warlock looking for a group for raids......haven't done any but will invest time to do them right......armor is all legendary with an exotic piece......weapons, I have a maxed legendary pulse rifle, legendary sniper rifle....also have tag is XxparkyX for Ps3........and I do have the dlc
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Guest 5:14 am, December 16, 2014
Hey......I'm a lv 29 warlock looking for a group for raids......haven't done any but will invest time to do them right......armor is all legendary with an exotic piece......weapons, I have a maxed legendary pulse rifle, legendary sniper rifle....also have tag is XxparkyX for Ps3........
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Guest 4:52 am, December 16, 2014
When are you on?
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Guest 12:49 am, December 16, 2014
Hey all 27 hunter here ps4 username is Mr_Pleasuretown tryin to vault it up. Hit me with a msg or add
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Guest 6:19 pm, December 14, 2014
Same with me...its ridiculous i cant even play the game without getting booted within minutes
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Guest 10:11 am, December 14, 2014
PS3 UK GMT 28 Raid & Strike Nope FlashGordonsEgg
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Guest 1:48 pm, December 9, 2014
Unplugging my xbox worked for me too. Had the same issue.
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rstencel 7:36 am, December 9, 2014
Wish there was a way to return games that don't work at all like this one.
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Guest 9:09 am, December 8, 2014
Same problem and no idea how to fix it. Party chat works fine but as soon as I join a game where people are in game chat I get the mute icon. It's also not possible to unmute people.
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Top Comments

Top Comments List by Rating

Guest 11:42 am, October 12, 2014
Yo, whats your gamertag? Mine's fil ty
Guest 3:26 am, October 13, 2014
What console?
Guest 5:20 pm, September 15, 2014
I'm having the same exact problem wtf
Guest 7:45 pm, October 12, 2014
X360 GT: Spades59
Guest 9:13 pm, October 6, 2014
You have to hold down y to equip heavy weapons
Guest 5:36 pm, September 15, 2014
It needs to be fixed. I was really hyped to get in those last bounties today so that I could get that rank 2, so I could get the gear I wanted. However I came on today and got these two bounties (Reclamation and Relic Hunter) for a game mode that doesn't even exist right now, how is that fair. Either hope they bring back Salvage today or they change the bounties. Or just wait until tomorrow and get the new bounties (kinda annoying as I have to wait until tomorrow to get my gear)
Guest 1:10 pm, July 4, 2015
Unplug your console and wait thirty seconds. Then plug in your console again. Worked for me!
Guest 10:08 pm, November 4, 2014
Just clear your persistent storage and uninstall and reinstall thts what an Xbox support guy told me to do and it worked
Guest 2:34 am, June 24, 2016
You will need to call customer support to get your account reset.
Guest 12:43 am, October 13, 2014
Congrats! Im in the same shoes. Took me 4h with afusion rufle to get the 500 void points and 3h of trial and well ***** to give up on the final stage for the weekend. ;)
Guest 2:39 pm, September 17, 2014
Mine is doing the same thing. You're not alone, but this is the only post I could find about it, so I have no clue what to do
Guest 5:44 am, September 16, 2014
i am...every 10 minutes im getting kicked
Guest 1:19 am, April 20, 2015
Schon billig Hab das video gesehen und muss sagen die haben 10mal besser gespielt als du. Spielst du alle deine strikes so? Hab nie jemand mit weniger skill gesehen.
Guest 1:55 am, April 8, 2015
du bist echt lächerlich... nur wei dich jemand nervt sofort 1 woche xboxlive sperre. ja ne, is klar. dann noch meinen nur weil du ne schlechte verbindung hast cheaten die. echt lächerlich sowas.
Guest 6:14 pm, April 5, 2015
lvl 30 titan looking to do crota or vault hard today
Guest 5:28 am, January 29, 2015
I have same trouble on Titan Fall ! Even the same error code !
Guest 1:15 am, November 19, 2014
Man you just gotta work through it. I'm not the best player but I got past the pvp part. Trust me its not as hard as the final part which people who have fully upgraded everything with raid armor doing the special strike makes me lower but I'm getting my friends to help me or going to get some randoms to help but I raged during several pvp games but didn't quit. I calmed down then made a come back in my pvp matches. Also what helped me was playing with music.
Guest 3:12 pm, October 21, 2014
I am having the same issue. Nothing seems to work....
Guest 7:27 pm, October 18, 2014
Got the same issue a few minutes ago. Just quit destiny from the xbox home page. Then try to launch destiny again.
Guest 6:19 pm, October 6, 2014
well I have the disk version for ps3 and it only freezes when I try to go to venus, so its probably a glitch.
Guest 7:55 am, October 24, 2015
looking for people to play with on a regular basis. dailies, raids, etc. Gamertag mellowbro420, add/message me.
Guest 10:35 am, July 3, 2015
I've changed my console, headset, and controller and still this red sound icon appears on my screen. I can hear conversations but nobody can hear me... frustration.... got a Playstation 4
Guest 1:26 am, April 20, 2015
Ach und außerdem ist das das problem von bungie und nicht von microsoft. Wenn du willst dass die gebannt werden solltest du dich wenn überhaupt an bungie wenden.
Guest 3:06 pm, February 20, 2015
Looking for a raid team....L31 .... Already been thru Crota.... See SpanielSwingers in the tower
Guest 6:03 pm, January 8, 2015
The opposite thing happened to my fireteam. The achievement only popped for one guy in our fireteam while the rest of us didn't get anything. We just did it on Crota yesterday, so I'm in a similar situation as you are. I have tried signing in and signing out doing everything to get the achievement to pop up, but nothing has worked.
Guest 6:18 pm, December 21, 2014
Same issue here as well as on GTA online. My ports are open and nat is open but for some reason while atemping to play destiny weekly nightfall I get disconnected with a error screen saying that my nat is strict following the error code vulture. I ran the multiplayer connection test and opened the detailed info thereafter reports says network is behind coned nat so idk wth is wrong my network is going off a new ac1900. Gonna try to replace the modem idk if that will help.
Guest 9:24 pm, December 16, 2014
same problem
rstencel 7:36 am, December 9, 2014
Wish there was a way to return games that don't work at all like this one.
Guest 9:18 pm, December 4, 2014
in the ps4 menu go all the way to the right and see if yo can find destiny twice in your library or whatever they call it now.
Guest 10:23 pm, November 18, 2014
I would recommend a group on Xbox called Dames of Destiny. Look them up on and tell'em DBMgamer Sent you :-) here's the link:
Guest 7:24 pm, November 17, 2014
Call support. Have them remove/cancel subscription and re-add it. Or if it's from PPC, have them cancel it and replace you with code to redeem remaining subscription. 100% sure that it would work.
Guest 1:21 pm, October 28, 2014
Xbox one C/Illinois Lvl 28 titan/ lvl 28 warlock Raid Mic (yes) Mastersushi 69
Guest 10:07 am, October 28, 2014
Level 28 warlock and hunter got a team of three for the raid need three more for xbox one Add me with a message WAJxElite
Guest 7:14 pm, October 15, 2014
It's called clash which is just like slayer from halo series. not TDM like in cod go back to your call of duty hole ***.
Guest 2:49 am, October 15, 2014
Great guide. I was doing quite a bit less damage than you had described but I assume that's because my sniper is only a lv 20 rare, instead of legendary/exotic. None the less, this really helped me get through this. Hope you can do it in the weeks to come! Thanks. Cheers, Peyton
Guest 7:32 pm, October 14, 2014
I Heard u have to **** the Templar without he moving at all in order to get the 5th chest cuz I know where its at but nothing always, one or two things **** templar without him moving or dnt open spirit bloom chest to see if that one will show up
Guest 12:51 am, October 10, 2014
Need some people to finish the vault glass raid. Lv 27+, add me my gamer tag is munki me
Guest 5:37 pm, October 2, 2014
I'm a lvl 27 titan almost maxed out both sub classes but I'm doing it for coins ill be free tonight (after 4:30 central time) if u want to invite me but lvl 26 or 28 strike but if this works out I need people to play with Gt: xThe Masquerade And just a fyi for the time being lvl 24 tiger strike counts as a heroic if ur doing the exotic bounty for bad juju i still don't know if its a screw up in their system but take advantage of it as long as u can.
Guest 4:37 pm, September 30, 2014
My gt is S117ben i will do raids most nights
Guest 2:04 am, September 30, 2014
I have tried doing this with two other people we were all 25/26, I am a 25 Warlock, finally got to phogoth and couldn't even survive long enough to spawn Xyor...I am about to delete the bounty and move on.
Guest 10:30 pm, September 28, 2014
I will like to help (GT: KILLER12103) I am level 25 and have a mic.
Guest 3:49 pm, September 28, 2014
Tons of people having connection issues. Bungie insists that the issues lie in our network devices and or ISP. While I started to believe that, thee has to be a percentage of the issue on their end to effect such a broad scale of player base. I made all the networking changes they stated to and it didn't change much. I got about 48 hours of stable play and the caterpillars, centipedes, baboons and cattle came back. The other part is that I have no issues playing any other xbox one game.
Guest 4:01 pm, September 21, 2014
same here , i dont know why it happens , and i've all ready deleted the game like 7 to 9 times and tried every possible solution i could think of
Guest 1:19 am, September 17, 2014
Oh yeah, bees and other insects and animals almost every crucible match at least 4/5 disconnects
Guest 9:35 pm, September 16, 2014
I got up to level 22 just fine prior to yesterday's update on the ps3 but since yesterday my connections been getting disconnected from bungies server & I'm getting dropped more than Ray Rice in fantasy leagues
Guest 7:02 am, September 16, 2014
I had the same problem. If you go to home screen and hit the menu button and quit the game then restart, the sound come back. Did for me anyway.
Guest 6:07 am, September 15, 2014
Yeah I've been getting a lot of crashing servers in Multiplayer, missions, and the traveler. Bungie pulled another one over on us!
Guest 1:53 am, September 15, 2014
Got hot fixed
Guest 5:05 pm, September 14, 2014
YES, if only.
Guest 7:15 am, September 14, 2014
I too am having the issue with that I have no clue why it keeps saying I don't have gold I can play any other game but not destiny Rxdreams
Guest 11:08 pm, September 10, 2014
Yes. I'm having the same issue! I'm thinking it's a bug!
Guest 4:40 pm, September 10, 2014
Last June, DeeJ himself claimed this: "Destiny is our next generation first person shooter, with rich cinematic storytelling set in huge worlds for you to explore in search of action". I've never played a Halo game before (PS2/3 guy), so people told me I was gonna be blown away by their storytelling. If this is the best they can do... my bad.
Guest 2:50 pm, September 8, 2014
Mine has not shipped yet, but since it says that a pre-order must be made by 5:30 CT today to receive it by tomorrow with 1 day shipping (on the ordering page) then I assume they will be shipped by 5:30 CT or soon after.

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